Friday, December 30, 2011

Research supports that "Sugar Fuels Cancer"

           Please re-read this opening statement again.

 With cancer as it’s by-product, sugar accounts for untold suffering, premature death, and is a significant contributor to the on-going degradation of human life and well-being.

Sugar tastes so good, yet doctors and nutritionists can list plenty of reasons to kick the sugar habit. Americans yearly ingest over 150 pounds of sugar each. High levels of sugar in your body cause the sugar to react with various critical proteins, including enzymes that repair DNA damage caused by free radicals.
The higher your blood sugar level, the higher your risk of cancer and many other diseases and disorders, such as arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, old age, allergies, tumors, cavities, mood swings and more.
Continued high sugar consumption prevents your cells from absorbing the required sugar needed to produce energy — a condition called insulin resistance. Another recent study found a high incidence of insulin resistance in those with Alzheimer's dementia. So if you want to avoid this disease, you must recognize that minimizing your sugar and simple carbohydrate intake is crucial.

So what do we mean by sugar? Sugar is disguised by the food industry and called by many deceptive names to hide the fact that it’s present in many more foods than you may realize. And the biggest culprit of all sugars is Fructose Corn Syrup. Fructose Corn Syrup alone is destroying the health of the many unsuspecting Americans. 
                   Are you reading food labels? 

Fructose corn syrup is a base or filler in thousands of foods. It's a type of  “sugar” that bypasses the pancreas causing massive increases in insulin, creating an epidemic of obesity. 
If you're trying to cut sugar out of your diet, the best way to go about it is by reading labels. If nutritional labels just said "sugar," the task of cutting sugar out would be relatively easy, but they don't, so it's not very easy at all. 

There are many more names used by industry to disguise sugar i.e., barley malt, beet sugar, brown sugar, buttered syrup, cane-juice crystals, cane sugar, caramel, carob syrup, corn syrup, date sugar, dextran, dextrose, diatase, diastatic malt, ethyl maltol, fructose, fruit juice, fruit juice concentrate, glucose, glucose solids, golden sugar, golden syrup, grape sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, honey, invert sugar, lactose, malt syrup, maltodextrin, maltose, mannitol, molasses, raw sugar, refiner's syrup, sorbitol, sorghum syrup, sucrose, sugar, turbinado sugar, yellow sugar, corn syrup solids. 
And, to add insult to injury, sugar is also addictiveYes, addictive! The more you eat, the more you crave. 
But, you probably already knew that or suspected it may be true.                                                                                                                                                          

The fact is, sugar causes high insulin levels that tell the body to store sugar as fat. It also tells the body not to release any stored fat. This makes it impossible to use our own stored body fat for energy. So excess sugar (carbohydrates, fructose corn syrup) in the diet not only makes us fat, but makes sure we stay fat. High levels of insulin will cause major health problems. Think diabetes, hypertension, obesity, high cholesterol (and other lipids), heart disease and kidney disease. Female breast cancer, infertility and neurode generation are all caused by excess sugar, resulting in high insulin levels. Diets high in refined sugars release more insulin, causing excess fat storage.

Too much insulin caused by too much refined sugars is the key to the vast majority of chronic illness. In other words, sugar feeds cancer because cancer cells are massively dependent on sugar as their food source. Hence, your sugary food choices becomes cancer's fuel food.

You can purchase Stevia sweetener for home use at: 

What can the individual do? There are answers:

1) Switch to a diet with as high a percentage of fresh vegetables as possible. Avoid most meats except chicken and fish. This is simple but proven beyond a doubt to not only arrest diseases like cancer and heart disease, but to actually reverse them.
The answer is change of diet, especially processed foods, but this is offensive to the drug cartel that owns conventional medicine in the United States. They have ingrained the heresy that drugs replace food in the healing process.

2) Switch your sweetener to Stevia ( a plant based natural herb sweetener without the hideous health-threats of sugar).

Stevia replaces all the bad high-glycemic sugars that play havoc with insulin balance and blood glucose. Stevia’s most obvious and notable characteristic is its sweet taste. However, the sweet taste is not due to carbohydrate-based molecules, but to several non-caloric molecules called glycosides.

Individuals who cannot tolerate sugar or other sweeteners can, and should use Stevia. The first glycoside molecule was isolated from Stevia in 1931 by two French chemists named Bridel and Lavieille. It’s called stevioside. Other aspects of Stevia are also capturing people’s attention. The herb is sold in some South American countries to aid diabetics and hypoglycemics. Research has shown that Stevia, a natural whole leaf concentrate has a regulating effect on the pancreas and helps stabilize blood sugar levels. Stevia is therefore immensely useful to people with diabetes, hypoglycemia and Candidiasis.

Other traditional uses of Stevia are: lowering elevated blood pressure (hypertension), as a digestive aid that also reduces gas and stomach acidity, and to reduce obesity. The herb acts as a general tonic that increases energy levels and mental acuity. It is a wonderful aid to weight loss and weight management because it contains no calories. In addition, research indicates that it significantly increases glucose tolerance and inhibits glucose absorption.

People who ingest Stevia daily often report a decrease in their desire for sweets and fatty foods. It may also improve digestion and gastrointestinal function, soothe upset stomachs and help speed recovery from minor illnesses. Stevia also inhibits the growth of some bacteria and infectious organisms, including those that cause tooth decay and gum disease. Many individuals using Stevia have reported a lower incidence of colds and flu. Many who have used Stevia as a mouthwash have reported a significant decrease in gum disease. All health writers recommend Stevia apart from all other sugars.

Soon you will see Stevia in many universal products including from the soft drink industry that is presently scrambling for position for the ever expanding near future crop propagation of Stevia. Stevia at this time is in limited supply, however it is destined to soon become an industry standard that will create a new natural desire for foods and drinks that are desperately craving a safe and taste-accepted alternative to highly-toxic processed sugar. 

You can purchase Stevia sweetener for home use at: 

In Summary: 

It is suggested that you,

1.  Make veggies a larger portion of daily meals. Fruits,  and fruit juices should be ingested sparingly if your  blood sugar is out of control as many fruits are high in  fructose. (See chart below)
2.  Avoid all forms of sugar when possible, especially high Fructose corn syrup. The food industry is name-  changing Fructose corn sugar to just plain “corn  sugar in an attempt to again disguise this health destroying additive.
3.  Add Stevia exclusively to sugar-free foods and drink  that you want to pleasantly sweeten.
    4. Read all food labels carefully to detect sugar content.
5.  Make it an ongoing objective to avoid sugar before any damage already occurring becomes irreversible.
6.  Avoid all popular processed sugar-substitutes as they   are unhealthy man-made chemical concoctions.

Sugar in Fruit Chart
Fr        Fruit                                           
    Total Sugars (g)
    Medium (3″ dia)
    Raw, fruit
    Without skin and seed
    Medium (7-8″ long)
    Cup, unthawed
    Raw, fruit, small
    Melon, large
    Raw, medium 3 5/8″ long
    Raw, fruit, 1/10 of melon
   Fruit without skin and seeds
   Sweet, cup w/pits
   Fruit, 1
   Raw, cup, whole   
   Date, pitted
   Fig, dried
   Medium (4″ dia)
   Fruit, 1
   1/4 of melon 5 1/4″ dia
   Fruit, 2″      
   Raw, Fruit, without refuse
   Fruit, 2 1/2″ dia
   Fruit, 2″ dia
   Raw, cup
   Frozen, cup
   Raw, cup
   Medium, 2 1/2″ dia
   Ripe, canned, small-   large
   Fruit, 3″ dia
   Raw, small
   Fruit without refuse
   Medium 2 2/3″ dia
   Fruit, 3 3/8″ high 3″ dia
   Raw, medium
   Fruit, 2 1/2″ dia
   Cup, chunks
   Raw, 2 1/8″ dia
   Raw, 4″ dia
   Fruit, dried, pitted
   Raw, cup
   Raw, cup, halves   
   Medium, 2 1/2″ dia.
   Medium, whole, 2 3/5″ dia
   Wedge approx 1/16 of melon


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